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Erwin x levi lemon


































Erwin Smith is a photographer, who has big crush on a world known model, Levi Ackerman.To pass the night away and drown in his childish sor.Levi continues to tell him that he was getting into fights but Erwin be.Then we became close friends, we shared all our grief when someone died.After them becoming close friends, something sparks b EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>














Jealousy Eruri (Erwin x Levi), Lemon - Cyrus Marie - Wattpad

erwin x levi lemon
Image source: i.pinimg.com

Smut. This is a story about what Erwin does to Levi when he gets jealous of Eren.Oneshot. Escalated a little quicklyIt is there that Erwin Smith meets Rivaille, the sharp-tongued, seductive, mysterious star of the show, who Erwin finds himself too curious to know.Unfortunately, things are not as they should be at the university and Levi and Hanji's ground breaking research is the target of a secret group whose influence extends around the world.On their nights of temporary freedom, where they relinquish their self-appointed duties to the liberation of the French state, they waste their hours with drink and entertainment at the Ailes de la Liberte, a cabaret and club.Erwin feels the need to continue his father's work fighting the group and slowly but surely as it all comes together things become even more convoluted and no one is really who they are or telling the whole truth.What he does not expect, or want, is a drunken shirtless commander taking up most of the bed space.He dreams of a half vampire who he saved from certain death.Yet the horror grows until one day Levi draws a path of blood behind him and they hope to end this nightmare with the promise he has to fulfill.She thinks, Dammit, I knew it would be too soon for him.Published: June 5, 2017 This content is unavailable.Other than the soft voice that was attempting to break you out of your deep slumber, the rather obnoxious light that filled the room also tore you out of the beautiful, beautiful sleep you were experiencing curled up next to your boyfriend.The gate rises slowly while the present Scouting Legions members, both veteran and young, wait with experienced breaths.Every memory began to flood back to your mind.

erwin x levi lemon
Image source: i.pinimg.com

Say The Words' Erwin X Levi LEMON, an attack on titan/????? fanfic | FanFiction

'Levi' he shouts. Erwin stroked Levi's black hair out of his face.Erwin slung his eyes to Levi who was sleeping peaceful in his bed. he wanted more.He was such.Levi pushes Eren of of him and stands up.Before she can say something Levi already left.Levi pulls at his collar to make it perfect again.Levi is sitting at the table with Erwin, Eren, Mikasa and unfortunately Hanji, who still holds the big smile on her face with twinkles in her eyes.He opens the door but gets blocked by Levi.Levi is much smaller than Erwin, so Erwin though he was kinda cute.He shook his head and walked to the door. His lips.Not bordering about knocking he slams the door open and walks in. His face.Erwin I love.It isn't a big problem to carry Levi because he is so small and petite.Levi stares him in the eyes with a harsh look. Erwin Smith.


erwin x reader sur Tumblr

“You’re not going. “No, don’t touch that. “Please wake up”, the voice says again. “Shall we continue this in our bed?” “We shall.Placing a kiss on the flower, you gently set it on the freshly turned up soil, before standing. “I don’t love you, I’m sorry.I'm pretty stressed myself so I'm hoping that your writing can cheer me up and help me get through the week. I just came to see how you are doing.Come on Levi, let’s leave them alone.The pleasantly bright streak of radiant energy passively crossed the room.While loosening his tie, he leans down to kiss the top of your head.In the end, I don’t see Erwin confessing his feelings to this person because he knows they aren’t reciprocated.Didn’t know you were busy.Those few words, those simple words had mended your two broken hearts.The crying had stopped and she had an almost curious look on her face. Reader x Erwin.

erwin x levi lemon
Image source: i.pinimg.com

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Erwin Smith x

erwin x levi lemon
Image source: i.skyrock.net






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